Sunday, July 20, 2008

aug 7 2008 9 pm light a candle for tibet

What is a LIGHT PROTEST? A light protest is similar to a normal protest (the kind you hear about in the news or in the papers) but with several main differences: * A light protest unites millions of people around the world. * A light protest invites people to take a simple act on a specific moment in time, for a single goal. * A light protest is a new global medium which enhances the power of one person to make a stand. * A light protest will always fight for a noble cause, such as human rights, freedom of choice, thought, belief and so on. * A light protest is non-profit, and non-violent! Remember, that a light protest depends on each and every one of us making our stand on the same day, and inviting other people & friends to join. It's as simple as that and very effective!

Brighter Planet's 350 Challenge
Pledge to Fight Animal Cruelty

Bloggers Unite

50 ways

puppies behind bars

puppies behind bars
this is fantastic

raise a puppy to help the blind