Thursday, June 26, 2008


Restore the Health of Our Oceans! Target: George W. Bush, President Sponsored by: Oceana Our oceans are on the verge of collapse. Ninety percent of the "big" fish, such as tuna, marlin and swordfish, are gone. And now, scientists estimate that the world's commercial fisheries may collapse by the year 2048. Already, 29 percent of fish and seafood species have collapsed, meaning their catch has declined by 90 percent. Time is running out for our oceans - but it's not too late, if we act now. And yet, the Bush Administration continues to under-fund critical ocean conservation, research and management programs. Tell President Bush to protect our oceans so that the next generation can also enjoy their bounty. Please urge President Bush to fully fund ocean programs and make a commitment to protect and restore our endangered ocean ecosystems.

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puppies behind bars
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