"Do the unexpected!"
I majored in Fashion Design and Art in NY., married a wonderful man named Steve. We had a beautiful daughter, Brooklyn. When Brooklyn was one year we moved to San Diego where we had a second beautiful daughter, Lauren.
We now live in Ohio. My daughters married (7 mos. apart!) and we have recently been blessed with 2 beautiful grandchildren!
I started studying the New Age Sciences in the early 80's and still study today. Yoga has always been a part of my light since I was in college! I have been teaching Tarot, Numerology, Meditation/Prayer and Color/Aura workshops. Most of these influences you can see in my work.
Acrylics on canvas has become a huge part of my life, which didn't manifest itself until my 30's. Portraits are my favorite. My avatar is a painting I did of my youngest daughter.
Thank you for taking the time to read my profile.
Feel free to contact me anytime, I'd love to hear from you!!
Namaste`, (which means "The light within me honors the light within you.")