Monday, June 27, 2011


hello from Gainesville Florida.. june 27 ,2011
i went for a walk around the park today with my camera in town. Being a Spiritual artist i notice some bright colors in a tree... I am thinking way cool a wind chime with a peace sign.. my house is full of peace read the paper thinking this was for me.Knowing what a act of kindness is.. i just helped
Japan and others.. i felt honored to take this home, but the fantastic part of this story is..i too have lost a son at the age of 16 ..8 years ago and named my shop.. funkyluke.. this too kept me alive. So to read the heat ache of other parents.. knowing every time a bell rings a angle gets it's wings... this was my message of my next act of kindness to help.. with Ben's bells and to share there story on
Facebook and my blog. All my love to you both and thank you and Ben for the fantastic gift you can give a parent who lost a child... to keep them alive on earth and in the hearts of others.. ..Peace
laura campanelli.......................BENSBELLS.ORG

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puppies behind bars
this is fantastic

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