Saturday, January 1, 2011

i can't even draw a


  1. ok this one made me laugh...a lot. Enough for my roommates to ask what I was laughing about. I feel your pain, I can't draw a house either...

    I'm in the blogger follower swap...but I already follow you from another swap! keep the great laughs and ideas coming!

    Amelia (frecklessobe on swapbot)

  2. this made me laugh a lot! Enough to make my roommates ask me what I was laughing about! I feel your pain, I can't draw a house either.

    I'm one of your partners in the blogger swap on swapbot BUT I already follow you! keep the laughs and ideas coming, I love them!

    Amelia (frecklessobe on swapbot)


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puppies behind bars

puppies behind bars
this is fantastic

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