Tuesday, March 4, 2008

going to mississippi

The 16th dozen Comfort Dolls will be mailed tomorrow to Angel Wings Outreach Center in Mendenhall Mississippi. This shipment is sponsored by Terri Takacs, we thank you Terri!The donors of the 16th dozen are:Jan Bartlet of NV,Francesca Jones of North Wales UK,Wendy Shu of Singapore,Adria of IL,Pam Kellogg of IL,Charleen Pawlik of WY, Laura Campanelli of FL,Rolonda Patterson of TX, Sylvie of France, Bennie Harman of FL. Thank you all for your beautiful and enchanting Comfort Dolls.

Brighter Planet's 350 Challenge
Pledge to Fight Animal Cruelty

Bloggers Unite

50 ways

puppies behind bars

puppies behind bars
this is fantastic

raise a puppy to help the blind