Saturday, February 9, 2008


The world can be a scary place, full of nightly noises, menacing monsters, and dreadful dreams. But not every monster wants to scare and terrify. With the help of a magical spell and an appetite for troubles, a monster can be your dearest friend.Furry and fearless, friendly but ferocious, these Nightmare Snatchers™ are the perfect journals for writing down and drawing out all that scares, frightens, and worries. You have only to recite the spell found at the front of the book, record your woes on their aged tea-stained pages, then mark your page with their long tail and your faithful friend the Nightmare Snatcher™ will eat your fears away.The Spell:I'm called a Nightmare SnatcherAnd a daymare catcher too.I snatch up all the frightening thingsAnd keep them far from you.Scary dreams and scary thoughtsAnd things you dread to see;Terrors real or make-believeGive them all to me.Write them down and draw them outI'll help you face the fear.Then close me up, I'll snatch them tightAnd keep them trapped in here.

Brighter Planet's 350 Challenge
Pledge to Fight Animal Cruelty

Bloggers Unite

50 ways

puppies behind bars

puppies behind bars
this is fantastic

raise a puppy to help the blind